Over 800,000 children in South Africa and America are living in foster care


at-risk children living in foster care are in crisis

The realities for children in foster care today are alarming. Their ability to grow into responsible young adults and thrive is burdened by their situations. There are over 800,000 children living in foster care in both South Africa and the Untied States. Due to the trauma they experience, going to school becomes more challenging and less than 50% of the children will achieve a full education without the extra services to help them.


The Love Quilt Project is making an Impact

Wrapped with warmth and love!.jpg

Love changes everything

The Love Quilt Project began in 2011 when a group of parishioners from St. Peter’s Episcopal Church in Arlington, Virginia traveled to South Africa to see the completion of a foster home for AIDS orphans. As gifts for the children, quilts were created and sewn into each quilt were messages of love from the church’s Sunday School classes. “The recipients were thrilled by these gifts and their powerful messages of love,” recalls Gretchen Ginnerty, President of the Love Quilt Project. “Our partners in South Africa encouraged us to find a way to continue this mission and The Love Quilt Project was born.” A team of volunteers recruited quilters from around the US and artwork created by children from scout troops, schools and community organizations was sewn into the quilts. Six years later, hundreds of quilts with their fabric art squares have been given to AIDS orphans in South Africa, wrapping the recipients in love. The project continues to teach American school children the power of love to heal while helping raise money to support South African children’s educations.

Read more on how Love Changes Everything.




